First thing you need to do is figure out what you’re looking for in a woman. For more on that read this post The following rules only apply to women you have no interest in dating. So to be clear if you go out on a date with a woman and you think she might be the type of woman you would consider dating then do not apply these rules to her! Next if things don’t workout with a girlfriend material type girl don’t apply these rules to her. Things will get complicated and feelings will get hurt. Also once you have started down the we could date path there is pretty much no going back.
Rule #1 – Once you get the slightest hint that she wants to date you have to let her know immediately that while you enjoy being around her you don’t think the two of you would workout as a couple. You have to own this decision and women appreciate this type of honesty. While it might hurt it is way better than leading her on!
Rule #2 – Never let them shower at your place because she can do that at home.
Rule #3 – Don’t ever spend time with them during the day.
Rule #4 – Never go out to dinner, brunch, breakfast, lunch, or any other meal you can think of with them and that includes letting them cook for you. That is stuff you do with women you’re dating not women you have no interest in dating. Now if you’re out at a bar and get hungry then yeah order up some food but never a planned meal!
Rule #5 – Do not call them babe, honey, or any other cute name you can think of.
Rule #6 – Do not meet her family! This should be obvious!
Rule #7 – Don’t bring them to any sort of large gathering where she will meet a large group of your friends who are in relationships. This means barbecues, weddings, dinners, or anything else where your friend’s significant others will be. They will start to ask her how long you two have been dating for among questions that will get her thinking about the two of you in a relationship.
Rule #8 – Outside of drinks do not buy them anything.
Rule #9 – If you can avoid it don’t let her sleep at your place. There are situations where this is ok like if you know she doesn’t want to date you either. Keep in mind if a woman says she is ok with casual sex that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to date you. Remember women play the dating game way better than we do.
Rule #10 – Always wear a condom, duh!
Warning casual sex can lead to some crazy sexual experiences.
Some women will want what they can’t have and will want you more. You’re basically pushing them away which in some cases will make it difficult to follow the above rules but stay strong! Also while the above rules can seem pretty brutal you can be polite about it you don’t have to be an asshole. After I have told a woman that I enjoy being with her but don’t want to date her they will either stop talking to me or keep coming around. Next I fill them in on the rules in the event I have to use them and once again they will either get pissed then stop talking to me or they will go along with it.
Ending It
Once you eventually get a girlfriend you need to tell the women you used to hook up with that you’re in a relationship and can’t hang out with them anymore. You don’t need to send a mass text but if they contact you politely inform them. They will appreciate it and in many cases if that relationship ends you can go back to sleeping with the previous women. I have recently started doing this now that I’m single again.
To be honest the majority of women you don’t want to date will either end things once you let them know you don’t want to date them or they will only hook up with you every few weeks so don’t think this is something that you will have to do on a daily basis. If you do have to use these rules on a daily basis that is a good problem to have!
On more serious note I hate hearing about guys leading on women until they find a woman they actually want to date. It is unnecessary and gives men a bad reputation. Be straightforward with her and she will respect you more for it, although she will probably be angry and hurt first.
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