Thursday, November 22, 2012
"Allen Carr's easyway"
Guys you know since I was in HS I used to be a supersmoker... I could get over a pack of camel in a day and sweet lord I still was capable for more! I tried to quit many times, trying nictone patches or pills or some other methods but I never got any better. That goes until my good friend James Peers came in and gave me "Allen Carr's easyway to stop smoking" book. A worlwide bestsellers which has sold approximately 10 million copies. At first, I never believed that a book could do anything for me, but guys the book is a miracle. It really works and guess what it's almost 2 months that I haven't smoked any cigarretes. except some Cuban Handrolled Cigars which Tim Gives me everytime I see him!... but the point is that it works and I feel much more better now... so if you really wanna quit, and you are tired of all pills and patches, just try this. it's a small book and it's a good read btw. give it a try. it works ;)
Atheists' sex lives better than believers'
Guys Check out I found a cool fact while surfing the web. sharing it with u...
A study discovered that non-believers are more willing to discuss sexual fantasies and are more satisfied with their experiences.
Both groups admitted indulging in masturbation, watching porn, having oral sex and pursuing affairs. But believers did not enjoy the experiences as much, being overcome by intense feelings of regret after climaxing, thanks to the stigma created by their belief systems.
The findings emerged in the 'Sex and Secularism' survey of more than 14,500 people carried out by psychologist Darrel Ray and Amanda Brown from Kansas University, the Daily Mail reported.
All of the people who were questioned were found to have sex around the same number of times a week. They also became sexually active at similar ages.
But devoutly religious people rated their sex lives far lower than atheists. They also admitted to strong feelings of guilt afterwards.
Strict religions such as Mormons ranked highest on the scale of sexual guilt. Their average score was 8.19 out of 10. They were followed closely behind by Jehovah's Witness, Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventist, and Baptist.
Catholics rated their levels of sexual guilt at 6.34 while Lutherans came slightly lower at 5.88. In contrast, atheists and agnostics ranked at 4.71 and 4.81 respectively.
The study found that in individuals, the stronger their religious beliefs were, the more powerful were their feelings of sexual guilt afterwards.(IANS)
A study discovered that non-believers are more willing to discuss sexual fantasies and are more satisfied with their experiences.
Both groups admitted indulging in masturbation, watching porn, having oral sex and pursuing affairs. But believers did not enjoy the experiences as much, being overcome by intense feelings of regret after climaxing, thanks to the stigma created by their belief systems.
The findings emerged in the 'Sex and Secularism' survey of more than 14,500 people carried out by psychologist Darrel Ray and Amanda Brown from Kansas University, the Daily Mail reported.
All of the people who were questioned were found to have sex around the same number of times a week. They also became sexually active at similar ages.
But devoutly religious people rated their sex lives far lower than atheists. They also admitted to strong feelings of guilt afterwards.
Strict religions such as Mormons ranked highest on the scale of sexual guilt. Their average score was 8.19 out of 10. They were followed closely behind by Jehovah's Witness, Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventist, and Baptist.
Catholics rated their levels of sexual guilt at 6.34 while Lutherans came slightly lower at 5.88. In contrast, atheists and agnostics ranked at 4.71 and 4.81 respectively.
The study found that in individuals, the stronger their religious beliefs were, the more powerful were their feelings of sexual guilt afterwards.(IANS)
Henry's rules for mating without dating...
A topic of discussion that comes up often is how to have casual sex with a woman without her getting attached or thinking you want to date her. Now this is extremely tricky because you’re first trying to create a result that is dependent upon controlling another person’s emotions. Good luck with that! With that said there are a few rules that I have created for myself that have worked pretty well.
First thing you need to do is figure out what you’re looking for in a woman. For more on that read this post The following rules only apply to women you have no interest in dating. So to be clear if you go out on a date with a woman and you think she might be the type of woman you would consider dating then do not apply these rules to her! Next if things don’t workout with a girlfriend material type girl don’t apply these rules to her. Things will get complicated and feelings will get hurt. Also once you have started down the we could date path there is pretty much no going back.
Rule #1 – Once you get the slightest hint that she wants to date you have to let her know immediately that while you enjoy being around her you don’t think the two of you would workout as a couple. You have to own this decision and women appreciate this type of honesty. While it might hurt it is way better than leading her on!
Rule #2 – Never let them shower at your place because she can do that at home.
Rule #3 – Don’t ever spend time with them during the day.
Rule #4 – Never go out to dinner, brunch, breakfast, lunch, or any other meal you can think of with them and that includes letting them cook for you. That is stuff you do with women you’re dating not women you have no interest in dating. Now if you’re out at a bar and get hungry then yeah order up some food but never a planned meal!
Rule #5 – Do not call them babe, honey, or any other cute name you can think of.
Rule #6 – Do not meet her family! This should be obvious!
Rule #7 – Don’t bring them to any sort of large gathering where she will meet a large group of your friends who are in relationships. This means barbecues, weddings, dinners, or anything else where your friend’s significant others will be. They will start to ask her how long you two have been dating for among questions that will get her thinking about the two of you in a relationship.
Rule #8 – Outside of drinks do not buy them anything.
Rule #9 – If you can avoid it don’t let her sleep at your place. There are situations where this is ok like if you know she doesn’t want to date you either. Keep in mind if a woman says she is ok with casual sex that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to date you. Remember women play the dating game way better than we do.
Rule #10 – Always wear a condom, duh!
Some women will want what they can’t have and will want you more. You’re basically pushing them away which in some cases will make it difficult to follow the above rules but stay strong! Also while the above rules can seem pretty brutal you can be polite about it you don’t have to be an asshole. After I have told a woman that I enjoy being with her but don’t want to date her they will either stop talking to me or keep coming around. Next I fill them in on the rules in the event I have to use them and once again they will either get pissed then stop talking to me or they will go along with it.
Ending It
Once you eventually get a girlfriend you need to tell the women you used to hook up with that you’re in a relationship and can’t hang out with them anymore. You don’t need to send a mass text but if they contact you politely inform them. They will appreciate it and in many cases if that relationship ends you can go back to sleeping with the previous women. I have recently started doing this now that I’m single again.
To be honest the majority of women you don’t want to date will either end things once you let them know you don’t want to date them or they will only hook up with you every few weeks so don’t think this is something that you will have to do on a daily basis. If you do have to use these rules on a daily basis that is a good problem to have!
First thing you need to do is figure out what you’re looking for in a woman. For more on that read this post The following rules only apply to women you have no interest in dating. So to be clear if you go out on a date with a woman and you think she might be the type of woman you would consider dating then do not apply these rules to her! Next if things don’t workout with a girlfriend material type girl don’t apply these rules to her. Things will get complicated and feelings will get hurt. Also once you have started down the we could date path there is pretty much no going back.
Rule #1 – Once you get the slightest hint that she wants to date you have to let her know immediately that while you enjoy being around her you don’t think the two of you would workout as a couple. You have to own this decision and women appreciate this type of honesty. While it might hurt it is way better than leading her on!
Rule #2 – Never let them shower at your place because she can do that at home.
Rule #3 – Don’t ever spend time with them during the day.
Rule #4 – Never go out to dinner, brunch, breakfast, lunch, or any other meal you can think of with them and that includes letting them cook for you. That is stuff you do with women you’re dating not women you have no interest in dating. Now if you’re out at a bar and get hungry then yeah order up some food but never a planned meal!
Rule #5 – Do not call them babe, honey, or any other cute name you can think of.
Rule #6 – Do not meet her family! This should be obvious!
Rule #7 – Don’t bring them to any sort of large gathering where she will meet a large group of your friends who are in relationships. This means barbecues, weddings, dinners, or anything else where your friend’s significant others will be. They will start to ask her how long you two have been dating for among questions that will get her thinking about the two of you in a relationship.
Rule #8 – Outside of drinks do not buy them anything.
Rule #9 – If you can avoid it don’t let her sleep at your place. There are situations where this is ok like if you know she doesn’t want to date you either. Keep in mind if a woman says she is ok with casual sex that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to date you. Remember women play the dating game way better than we do.
Rule #10 – Always wear a condom, duh!
Warning casual sex can lead to some crazy sexual experiences.
Some women will want what they can’t have and will want you more. You’re basically pushing them away which in some cases will make it difficult to follow the above rules but stay strong! Also while the above rules can seem pretty brutal you can be polite about it you don’t have to be an asshole. After I have told a woman that I enjoy being with her but don’t want to date her they will either stop talking to me or keep coming around. Next I fill them in on the rules in the event I have to use them and once again they will either get pissed then stop talking to me or they will go along with it.
Ending It
Once you eventually get a girlfriend you need to tell the women you used to hook up with that you’re in a relationship and can’t hang out with them anymore. You don’t need to send a mass text but if they contact you politely inform them. They will appreciate it and in many cases if that relationship ends you can go back to sleeping with the previous women. I have recently started doing this now that I’m single again.
To be honest the majority of women you don’t want to date will either end things once you let them know you don’t want to date them or they will only hook up with you every few weeks so don’t think this is something that you will have to do on a daily basis. If you do have to use these rules on a daily basis that is a good problem to have!
On more serious note I hate hearing about guys leading on women until they find a woman they actually want to date. It is unnecessary and gives men a bad reputation. Be straightforward with her and she will respect you more for it, although she will probably be angry and hurt first.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The Best Cocktails ever
The mighty cocktail has survived the American Civil War, the temperance movement, Prohibition, and even disco.
Now it is about to celebrate its 206th birthday since the word was first defined in print on May 13, 1806. To celebrate let's take a look at few of the top tipples of the past 200 years:
Mint Julep
To be fair the Mint Julep pre-dates the existence of the word 'cocktail'. In fact, this delicious mix of American whiskey, sugar, mint and ice even predates the use of the very whiskey it now contains. Early juleps were fashioned by American colonists with brandy, rum or whatever spirit came to hand. This drink has proved a keeper though and can be ordered in any decent bar-room.
Brandy Punch
Before the idea of a single-serve cocktail really took off punch was the king of drinks. Gentlemen would dutifully station themselves around an overflowing bowl of punch and not budge till they had drunk it dry or keeled over. This single serve punch was a revelation and comes from the first ever bartender's guide written in 1862. The drink is still a doozey.
90ml VS cognac brandy (fine champagne cognac like Remy Martin works a treat)
30ml lemon juice
30ml still water
10ml real raspberry syrup
2 teaspoons castor sugar
Method: Combine all ingredients in a shaker and fill with ice. Shake briskly and strain into a tall ice filled tumbler. Garnish with orange slices, pineapple and raspberries.
Prohibition banned the sale and supply of beverage alcohol to the American public for 13 years from 1920 to 1933. It led to the rise of the 'speakeasy' bar, organised crime, and normalised the fairer sex being allowed into bars. It also encouraged Americans to travel – and wherever they went the brought the local tipple back with them. Tequila went from an obscure local Mexican tipple to a global bar staple thanks to Prohibition and this mighty tasty classic.
50ml 100% puro de agave tequila
15ml Triple sec (Cointreau is a leading brand)
5ml sugar syrup
20ml freshly squeezed lime juice
Add all ingredients to an iced shaker. Shake briskly and strain into a chilled cocktail glass rimmed with a little lime and flaky sea salt.
Japanese Slipper
This neon combination of Midori, Cointreau and lemon took the world by storm when it was first mixed up in 1984. It wasn't created in the nightclubs of London, Manhattan or gay old Paris, however. Rather it was a Melbourne bartender by the name of Jean-Paul Bourguignon who we can thank for this creation. It's as retro as Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail, and hardly the most macho drink going around, but it's a pretty safe bet that if a bar stocks a bottle of Midori they know how to whip this one up. Just don't tell too many people how much you enjoy it.
30ml Midori
30ml Cointreau
30ml Lemon juice
Method: Add all ingredients to an iced shaker. Shake briskly and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a cocktail cherry or a slice of honeydew melon.
Pharmaceutical Stimulant (aka Espresso Martini)
In the fast paced life of the '80s a strange new stimulant known as x-presso starting popping up in bars and coffee shops in London. In 1984 an inspired barkeep, by the name of Dick Bradsell, who worked at Soho's infamous Fred's Bar decided to throw it in a cocktail. Now commonly known as the Espresso Martini this beverage remains most of most popular going tipples going around almost 30 years on.
50ml vodka
15ml coffee liqueur (like Kahlua or Toussaint)
5ml sugar syrup
30ml shot of fresh espresso
Method: Add all ingredients to a shaker, ice then shake to the 1984 Michael Jackson hit Thriller. Garnish with three coffee beans.
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Now it is about to celebrate its 206th birthday since the word was first defined in print on May 13, 1806. To celebrate let's take a look at few of the top tipples of the past 200 years:
Mint Julep
To be fair the Mint Julep pre-dates the existence of the word 'cocktail'. In fact, this delicious mix of American whiskey, sugar, mint and ice even predates the use of the very whiskey it now contains. Early juleps were fashioned by American colonists with brandy, rum or whatever spirit came to hand. This drink has proved a keeper though and can be ordered in any decent bar-room.
90ml Straight bourbon whiskey or rye (Woodford Reserve makes a full-flavoured julep)
1 teaspoon castor sugar
Lots of mint
Crushed ice
Method: Load the bottom of a pewter tankard, glass or, if you're lucky enough to have one, a julep cup with fresh mint leaves. Add your sugar and gentle muddle with the mint. Pack your vessel with crushed ice and pour the whiskey over it. Stir vigorously add more crushed ice and garnish with at least three sprigs of mint.90ml Straight bourbon whiskey or rye (Woodford Reserve makes a full-flavoured julep)
1 teaspoon castor sugar
Lots of mint
Crushed ice
Brandy Punch
Before the idea of a single-serve cocktail really took off punch was the king of drinks. Gentlemen would dutifully station themselves around an overflowing bowl of punch and not budge till they had drunk it dry or keeled over. This single serve punch was a revelation and comes from the first ever bartender's guide written in 1862. The drink is still a doozey.
90ml VS cognac brandy (fine champagne cognac like Remy Martin works a treat)
30ml lemon juice
30ml still water
10ml real raspberry syrup
2 teaspoons castor sugar
Method: Combine all ingredients in a shaker and fill with ice. Shake briskly and strain into a tall ice filled tumbler. Garnish with orange slices, pineapple and raspberries.
Prohibition banned the sale and supply of beverage alcohol to the American public for 13 years from 1920 to 1933. It led to the rise of the 'speakeasy' bar, organised crime, and normalised the fairer sex being allowed into bars. It also encouraged Americans to travel – and wherever they went the brought the local tipple back with them. Tequila went from an obscure local Mexican tipple to a global bar staple thanks to Prohibition and this mighty tasty classic.
50ml 100% puro de agave tequila
15ml Triple sec (Cointreau is a leading brand)
5ml sugar syrup
20ml freshly squeezed lime juice
Add all ingredients to an iced shaker. Shake briskly and strain into a chilled cocktail glass rimmed with a little lime and flaky sea salt.
Japanese Slipper
This neon combination of Midori, Cointreau and lemon took the world by storm when it was first mixed up in 1984. It wasn't created in the nightclubs of London, Manhattan or gay old Paris, however. Rather it was a Melbourne bartender by the name of Jean-Paul Bourguignon who we can thank for this creation. It's as retro as Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail, and hardly the most macho drink going around, but it's a pretty safe bet that if a bar stocks a bottle of Midori they know how to whip this one up. Just don't tell too many people how much you enjoy it.
30ml Midori
30ml Cointreau
30ml Lemon juice
Method: Add all ingredients to an iced shaker. Shake briskly and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a cocktail cherry or a slice of honeydew melon.
Pharmaceutical Stimulant (aka Espresso Martini)
In the fast paced life of the '80s a strange new stimulant known as x-presso starting popping up in bars and coffee shops in London. In 1984 an inspired barkeep, by the name of Dick Bradsell, who worked at Soho's infamous Fred's Bar decided to throw it in a cocktail. Now commonly known as the Espresso Martini this beverage remains most of most popular going tipples going around almost 30 years on.
50ml vodka
15ml coffee liqueur (like Kahlua or Toussaint)
5ml sugar syrup
30ml shot of fresh espresso
Method: Add all ingredients to a shaker, ice then shake to the 1984 Michael Jackson hit Thriller. Garnish with three coffee beans.
Read more:
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
10 reasons not to tell women your secrets
These are ten reasons why you should never ever tell a woman your secrets. All these ten items have been expertized don’t make fun of them!
2- They first talk and then think!
3- They sell their whole body for a diamond, including what’s in their mind!
4- When they get drunk, the first thing they do is revealing exact details of their last 48 hours conversations for the nearest person to them.
5- A secret only stays for 24 hours in classified level of their mind, and then it slips to “let’s say it” level!
6- During orgasm they squirt random information from their brain!
7- Two things they do when they panic: A)They piss B)They piss on your secrets
8- When they are in their period they do everything not to pick on them.
9- You can’t squeeze a pecan into a pot!
10- Do I have to mention this again? THEY ARE WOMEN!!!!!
New York, USA
30 songs which can rock your world
For what reason in the world do I have to admit that “Justin Bieber” is a singer or (in sarcastic quotation mark) “a musician”?! Where the hell our music industry is heading to?! You know I believe our generation’s music died just when Kurt Cobain blew his brain. Just look at the evidence, we are at the point of history where our top 10 charts are filled with craps from Bieber or Selena Gomez or Florida or a lot more typical bullshits… The only remedy is to stick to the classic. Though I know we may never have any Robert Plant anymore, and hell sure someone like Jusin Bieber is not going to fill Michael Jackson’s shoes, but the only way to make it through this tasteless generation who created Bieber and Biebers (!) is to insist on our valuable classical rock and so on. That’s why I crafted this list. 30 songs which can literally rock your world, just like they did mine. These are the songs that everyone in the world should hear.
p.s. There is no order in this list, they are all great!
· Stairway to heaven – Led Zeppelin
· Nothing else matters – Metallica
· November rain – Guns n’ Roses
· Sympathy for the devil – the rolling stones
· While my guitar gently weeps – The Beatles
· Jailhouse rock – Elvis Presley
· All along the watchtower – Bob Dylan
· Like a rolling stone – Bob Dylan
· Little wing – Jimmi Hendrix
· One – U2
· Where the streets have no name – U2
· My generation – The who
· Imagine – John Lennon
· Bohemian rhapsody – Queen
· Total eclipse of the heart – Bonnie Tyler
· Little red corvette – Prince
· Alive – Pearl jam
· Dream on – Aerosmith
· Comfortably numb – Pink Floyd
· Earth song – Michael Jackson
· Someone like you – Adele
· Temporary peace – Anathema
· Sultans of the swing – Dire Straits
· She’s gone – Steelheart
· Burning love – Elvis Presley
· Can you feel the love tonight – Elton John
· The way you look tonight – Frank Sinatra
· Turn the page – Bob Seger
· Another day in paradise – Phil Collins
· Self control –Laura Branigan
New York, USA
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Tolkien's awesome!
Yesterday I read "Tree & leaf" by Tolkien. I can't explain how great this book is. Besides how great Lord of the ring is, I just realized how amazing his short stories are. I recommend everyone to read this book. this is awesome...
New York, USA
Half Blood deity
Not long ago I was alone at home so I picked up my only friend, guitar and wrote a song which I named “Half Blood deity”. Here are the lyrics:
Toxic flow in my veins
Bearer of growing pains
Brings in invader craze
Tearing me into shreds
Rub out my strings pour out
Make my insides pull out
Kneeled down in front of you
Assured the pain was through
Oh my half blood deity
Take the rest of me (X2)
Shoot in me anti life
Put end on this strife
Stab you with my knife
Regret is all I find
Trap me deceive shroud me
Unhealing wounds found me
Your hell became my fate
Granted to you my hate
Oh my half blood deity
Take the rest of me (X2)
Left me without a cure
Sank into this so pure
Cut this life off from me
Just help me not to be
Oh my half blood deity
Take the rest of me (X2)
New York, USA
Stout enough
“Where do you want to spend your leave sir?” said Carlisle. He was the squire’s barrister but in fact, he was only a factotum. He said in a delightful way.
“You are plainly so jolly about this aren’t you Carlisle?” said Lord Harry ruefully. But to be more accurate, former Lord! After the huge notoriety with his mysterious mistress, now he was invalided from the front and got sick in a shrewdly manner to spend a while off so the rumors peter.
“This rotten chair does not show any mercy servant” he continued “you won’t stay a long time in my shoes, this I swear”
“I’m not persisting sir” said Carlisle in a way so Harry could easily realize he was upset. “I am satisfied with my allowance. But you know sir, the intense interest aroused in public by what they call “Harry Well’s disaffirm” will not settle down if you eagerly grab your position sir. You know those savages want your head on a silver plate.”
Now Harry inclined to the hearth while leaving some papers in flames.
“Oh my little Carlisle. Do you remember how good yarn we had about the old times?” He sighed and resumed “It’s a humorous tale. Once you perch, you assume it’s steady. But those cynics out there are always keeping eyes on you. Even if you coop yourself in your office, some incident will fall out somewhere which is entirely your fault.”
“Yes sir” Carlisle approved “but you already gave them the plea. You always played mister bountiful, but your fellow laborers are mad about your autocratic opinions. You should have attended to their wills.”
Harry sank in thoughts and stared at fire flame which was now incredibly red and hot.
“Right on this chair.” Said Harry warmly.
“Excuse me sir?!” asked Carlisle amazedly.
“You asked where I want to spend my leave” Harry kept talking “Right on this chair. I want to spend my convalescence where I feel pacified. Here is the place”
“But sir.” Said Carlisle now so nervously “This will keen the vendettas”
“Let those weeds grow in garden Carlisle!” remarked Harry like he was sure about something “this plain is so huge”
This he said and poured some white liquid into his scotch and drank with joy. Like an everlasting smile on his face…
Short story
New York, USA
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